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A Functional Medicine Doctor's Essential Immune Support Supplement

A-Functional-Medicine-Doctor-s-Essential-Immune-Support-Supplement Further Food
After working in integrative and functional medicine as a chiropractor and nutritionist for over 15 years, Dr. Chris Oswald joined Further Food as Chief Science Officer in charge of new product development. On top of his list of new products to create was an immune support supplement that can help us stay healthy year-round. Read on to learn more about Dr. Oswald and his inspiration for creating your #1 choice this cold season: Ultimate Immune Support.

Can you tell us about your background and how you came to Further Food?

From early on I knew that I wanted to be in a position to help people. In the beginning of my career this took the form of working directly with patients focusing on integrative and functional medicine approaches. As I used more and more natural remedies and supplements successfully with patients, I started to work with colleagues to teach them how they could use some of the same approaches. With time I had an opportunity to join a large dietary supplement distributor to educate tens of thousands of their doctor customers how to use natural products with their patients. Fast forward some years to the future and I found myself with the itch to join a company in which I had the opportunity to bring some of the products I always wanted for my patients to life. When I came across the opportunity with Further Food, I knew that I had found the right place as the mission and philosophy lined up with my values. I now have the opportunity to create supplements and nutritional products that can truly make a difference in the lives of the many people who have come to both trust and love the products from Further Food.

Why an Immune Support Supplement?

Immune health is top of mind for all of us. While there is no magic pill, there are some ways that we can improve our immune and overall health through what we eat and through some very carefully chosen supplements. In addition to getting quality sleep, eating wholesome and nutrient dense foods, I recommend supplementing to help boost your immune system and keep your body as healthy as possible. In formulating Ultimate Immune Support, I was very sensitive to “pill fatigue” and how it can be overwhelming to figure out the right supplements for optimal health. Plus with so many immune support supplements out there, I understand how difficult it can be to know which combination works best, and how and when to take a supplement. There are so many great options to support the immune system, but they all do it in a slightly different way, all of which matter! That’s why I knew I had to create the most powerful combination of immune-enhancing ingredients in one over-the-counter solution.

What Makes Ultimate Immune Special?

Our product has 27 of nature’s most potent herbs, antioxidants, and mushrooms formulated to help you fight back. The foundation of the product is built upon vitamins C, D, and zinc, plus some clinically researched herbs like elderberry, echinacea, and andrographis. Research has shown that these amazing ingredients have the potential to do so much for your immune health-so we’ve put them all together.

Can You Tell Us More About The Ingredients in Ultimate Immune?

Vitamins: Ultimate Immune Support contains the immune vitamin superstars we all know and love, Vitamins C & D, but also Vitamins A & E which provide lesser known, but powerful immune benefits as well. Making sure you have enough of all your important vitamins is key to keeping your immune system at its best. Minerals: The powerhouse here is Zinc, essential to healthy immune function, but also necessary for over 200 reactions in the body. Zinc helps you do just about everything! Mushrooms: Maitake mushroom leads the way here with a growing amount of clinical evidence pointing to its immune superpowers. The rest of the mushrooms further help to buoy the immune support you’re getting in the other ingredients by providing a variety of important beta-glucans and other polysaccharides. Antioxidants: The primary antioxidants; vitamins A, C, & E and selenium, are all included in ideal dosages, but there are also herbs which help the antioxidants work significantly better. While there are many to choose from, Green Tea extract and Quercetin provide the bulk of this support. Herbs: There are a variety of herbs in the formula that alone have great clinical evidence around their immune-enhancing potential, like Astragalus and Andrographis (which both have been used for centuries in Chinese medicine). The clinically studied herbs like elderberry and echinacea were also included to provide that multifaceted support so many people are looking for and need. While including herbs that have human clinical evidence are important to me, I never forget about those herbs with hundreds, if not thousands, of years of use in traditional medicine. Things like garlic and ginger have been relied on by many health practices across the world, and the long rich history of the use of elecampane, horehound, and english ivy to support healthy respiratory function also shouldn’t be forgotten. There’s a reason humans have relied on powerful plants to keep us healthy for so long, and there’s a reason why those practices and that knowledge keeps getting passed down!

When Should I Take It?

For the best immune support, you’ve got to keep your health gas tank at full. What do I mean by gas tank? I mean that these diverse nutritious sources provide your body with the nutrients necessary to support the immune system. The easiest way to do that is to make sure you’re getting a diverse range of vitamins, minerals and nutrients - all of which are in this one immune support supplement.

How Do I Take It?

I recommend to my patients that they take Ultimate Immune Support every day for daily immune support, and if they aren’t feeling 100%, I even suggest they take some extra to help them get back on track that much faster. Usually, this means taking 2-4 capsules a day, and then bumping up to 8 capsules daily if you are traveling or starting to feel under the weather. I recommend taking the capsules with food and spacing them out throughout the day. Learn more about Ultimate Immune Support here. Want To Read More? 6 Natural Herbs for Healthy Lungs 7 Reasons to Make Mushrooms A Staple In Your Diet 25 Immune Boosting Foods to Fight Colds and Flus

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