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PaleoBOSS Lady’s 7 Health Tricks To Regain Balance When Life Seems Out of Control

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PaleoBOSS Lady Diane V Capaldi spent a long time suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) before she changed her diet and mindset, eventually succeeding in curing her symptoms. Today, she recognizes there will be times when things in her life may be so stressful and spinning out of control that she needs a more robust wellness plan just to stay healthy. It’s during these times that she goes to her “Bag of Tricks.” Here are 7 health tricks she uses to regain balance and deal with stress when her life seems out of control. Sometimes, life feels out of balance. It can be caused by stress by a chronic illness or from work, a close friend or family member with an illness, maybe the loss of a pet or even a tragic national news story. It can be caused by anything that throws off your mental state and robs the steadiness from your daily routine. I’ve recently experienced stress that shook me to my core; it put me in a place where I worried my wellness plan would not be enough to continue to support kicking my MS to the curb. It is times like this I am thankful for my "Bag of Tricks"—my own personal health hacks that I can draw on to help maintain balance in my life when the outside world is running on empty. I have used some or all of these hacks to help my life return to balance and to make sure stress does not aggravate my chronic illness. I hope to inspire you to try some of my tricks and figure out what works to keep you balanced and strong during tough times. What health tricks are in my bag? I can’t wait to share how I deal with stress to make sure my chronic illness does not get out of control! 1. Mantras When something in your life is challenging your mental or physical state, consider repeating statements like, "I cannot control the actions of others. I can control how I live my life." Or, any other positive message that brings you peace and calm. I love to say things out loud and believe these reminders help to manifest dreams or gives you confidence to “fake it until you make it.” 2. Meditation Apps Having a mind that is talking all the time and is hard to silence reiterates my need for an app that really helps me calm my thoughts. I’ve found the most success with apps that have a guided meditation, such as Insight Timer. These guided meditations are an excellent health trick that are essential to my wellness and keeping my stress and chronic illness under control during times of imbalance. 3. Essential oils For more than 25 years, I’ve found a solid supportive use for essential oils everyday because I believe the air I breathe is a conscious and huge part of my wellness journey. I’ve also used essential oils to help keep myself balanced during stressful times. The beauty of diffusing oils is that they can be customized to support our daily needs, or during particular times each day! Oils can help provide energy or calm and clear the toxic air! 4. Dancing I am a dancing fool! This part of my day has become essential to both my mental and physical wellness, and crucial in dealing with controlling stress and my chronic illness. There are days when a club vibe is too much and I like to simply feel the music with the lights out and candles flickering. Other days, simply moving through the emotion of the song and feeling the moment is a wonderful alternative. Dancing should offer the space to be free from thought. It’s an opportunity for self expression of the music and how your body feels when you hear it. 5. Music Simply listening to music, without even dancing, is the heartbeat to the soul. I love picking my intended feeling for the day and having it reflect in my musical choices. I am someone who often plays the same collection of songs on repeat in order to stay with certain thoughts or moods for a while. Even if I am not dancing, I play music. It’s a wellness tool, a health trick, that helps to soothe and calm me and keep my chronic illness under control when I feel stressed and the outside world seems out of control. 6. Narrative Change Call it mind over matter or call it a narrative change. Once you realize the self-help tools that will support your journey, you can begin to change your inner narrative back toward a balanced life regardless of what’s happening around you. It’s about recognizing the power you have within yourself to understand what you need and bring those necessities to your daily reality. It’s about talking to yourself and putting your mindset on the right track. It takes time, but it can make a huge difference in how you feel! 7. Bliss Boards While vision boards help to manifest your vision of a project or a plan, a bliss board can remind you of the things in life that fuel your passions and health. Consider having a Bliss Board party to feed your soul and bring community into your journey. Celebrate the things in life that make you happy and satisfied! There is not much we can do each day beyond excellent self care, conscious living and creating change in ourselves. Especially during challenging and stressful times, we need to have health tricks that we can tap into for personal wellness to keep our chronic illness and stress under control and stay healthy! So, what will be in your bag? Get it ready today! For more information about PaleoBOSS Lady’s on a journey of empowerment through consciousness, visit http://www.paleobosslady.com/. Ready to cut sugar out from your life? Take the #SugarPledge and sign up for our FREE 7-Day Sugar Detox Challenge Want to read more? 6 Ways That Getting Diagnosed with a Chronic Condition Actually Improved My Life How Positive Thinking Can Truly Heal 8 Guilty Feelings People With Chronic Illnesses Face And 4 Tips For Coping Success Story: After a Longtime Struggle, How I Finally Beat MS

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