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Citrus Arugula Winter Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette

Citrus-Arugula-Winter-Salad-with-Lemon-Vinaigrette Further Food

Eating seasonally gets challenging in the winter and since there are fewer fresh options at the supermarket and farmers markets in the winter, I rely on citrus fruits and fennel, which can still be (relatively) fresh and available at that time of year. I love the crunch from the fennel, the mild bitterness of the arugula and the tart/sweet punch of the grapefruit! The flavors just come together along with the slight saltiness of the parmesan. My winter salad is a perfect combination of flavors, is refreshing, and most people know that grapefruit is full of vitamin C, an antioxidant which helps to prevent the formation of cancer-causing compounds. My kids and husband eat this right up!

What fruits do you add to your salad?

Further Food Commentary:

The pink and red varieties of grapefruit provide beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. One grapefruit provides almost 100% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.

Other protective plant chemicals found in grapefruits include phenolic acid which inhibits the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines. Limonoids and terpenes may induce the production of enzymes that help prevent cancer.

Some people with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other inflammatory disorders find that eating grapefruit helps to alleviate their symptoms perhaps because the plant chemicals block prostaglandins some of which can cause inflammation.

One note of caution: some prescription medicines can interact with grapefruit and should not be taken together. Drugs to watch out for include those for blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and elevate lipids, among others.


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