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Cinnamon Roasted Delicata Squash Fries

Cinnamon-Roasted-Delicata-Squash-Fries Further Food

Does anyone else have that one food item they absolutely LOVE but it’s only in season once during the year??!! If we’re talking summer, then that’s definitely fresh cherries for me. BUT if we’re talking fall, then it’s all about the delicata squash baby! And one of my absolute favorite ways to eat it is by roasting it up into little fries and serving it with a dip! So I’m sharing a sweet version of this deliciousness today with my Cinnamon Roasted Delicata Squash Fries served with a maple yogurt dipping sauce!

Ok first things first. I know by now some of you probably have this weird look on your face because you’ve never even heard of delicata squash. (Trust me, that was me about 3 years ago too, so I totally get it.) But let me explain. Delicata is just a type of winter squash that is long and slender and usually has some sort of green or orange stripes on it. When it’s cooked, it tastes sweet (almost like a butternut squash) which makes it fantastic for a ton of sweet and savory dishes. But my favorite part about delicata is that you can eat the skin too! That’s right, there’s no peeling or any extra prep involved when it comes to cooking these beauties! My absolute favorite way to cook delicata squash is to roast it!

These cinnamon roasted delicata sqaush fries are the perfect seasonal snack! They’re sweet, crispy on the outside yet tender in the middle and take no time at all to make! Plus they taste amazing with my maple yogurt dipping sauce!

Further Food Commentary:

Delicata sqaush a good source of potassium and dietary fiber, and contains magnesium, manganese, and vitamins C and B. But unlike most winter squash varieties, this squash is not as rich in beta-carotene.

By Anna Lee


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