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“Chocolate” Chunk Cookies (AIP)

Chocolate-Chunk-Cookies-AIP Further Food

This girl likes her cookies. So when I found out that I would need to start following the autoimmune protocol (AIP) to help heal a leaky gut, my old-standby of Seriously Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies were a no-go. Out of desperation, comes yumminess for you guys as well. I hope you like these Chocolate Chunk Cookies made with gelatin.

I can tell you, it is not easy to follow this protocol. Although these cookies are good, they were still created as a treat in a way of eating that seems so limiting. Something to help everyone feel a bit more “normal” while living in a world where they can’t eat normal. In the real world of convenience foods (even the paleo/”clean” ones), restaurants and anything else created to help simplify real food for the majority of people, there are ingredients that someone on AIP cannot have. Paprika is in EVERYTHING. And even if it doesn’t say paprika, for some reason “spices” and “natural flavors” are perfectly acceptable ingredients list items, which pretty much translates to me as “don’t even bother.”

So having been AIP just over a month now, I feel the need for normalcy. I’ll be honest and say I’ve cried a few tears in my kitchen. I’ve sobbed while washing the thousandth dish that week since I am literally cooking every dang day. I know I am not alone.

And I just want a cookie.

(did you just picture me on the floor, pounding my fists on the ground, having a tantrum??)

Further Food Commentary:

This sweet treat is a tasty dessert for not only those following an AIP diet, but also for those with gluten and dairy allergies or intolerances. Carob is great chocolate alternative, and also provides a bit of fiber and trace amounts of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin D.

The gelatin used in this recipe provides a bit of protein, and can also help in promoting hair and nail growth, improve digestion, and help with joint pain relief.

By Emily Cooper


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