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A 3 Day Paleo Holiday Meal Plan You Can Be Grateful For

At the age of 27 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. It was then that I decided to modify my diet. I eliminated dairy, sugar, gluten, wheat, soy and yeast. Now, for the most part, I follow a Paleo diet; but I avoid red meat, honey and coconut sugar. On the other hand, eggs, chicken, turkey and all vegetables work well for me! Take a look below at my three day meal plan for how to eat a Paleo Thanksgiving meal you can truly be grateful for! Day one: Breakfast: Coconut Blueberry Yogurt Bowl Lunch : Massaged Kale Salad massaged-kale-salad-recipe-antioxidant-rich-candida-diet Snack: Pumpkin Spiced Bread Dinner: Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Basil Pesto Sauce Day two: Breakfast: Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie Lunch: Mixed Green Salad Snack: Paleo Sweet Potato Hummus (with celery sticks) paleo-sweet-potato-hummus recipe Multiple sclerosis diet Dinner: Creamy Broccoli Soup Day Three: Breakfast: Paleo Egg and Avocado Salad Lunch: Spinach and Sundried Tomato Salad Snack: Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding (with berries for an antioxidant boost!) Zhao,-Lillian-Chia-Pudding--8 Dinner: Spiced Butternut Squash You Might Also Like: Feeling Negative? 3 Simple Ways to Be More Positive and Feel Better Today My Nourishing Three Day Meal Plan For Living With Lupus, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Autoimmune Conditions I Am Not Invisible, I Have a Chronic Illness In My Pantry: 10 Foods to Fight Autoimmune Flares Note: PLEASE consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or medications. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only, and is not to be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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